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Alberto Roselló-Díez, PhD
Group Leader

Alberto received his BSc/MSc degrees in biochemistry and molecular biology from the University of Zaragoza, Spain. He then completed his PhD in 2011 in Molecular Biology (Autonomous University of Madrid) at the Spanish National Centre for Cardiovascular Research (Madrid, Spain), in the group of Dr. Miguel Torres. His PhD work, focused on the control of limb patterning by intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms, was included in Gilbert’s Developmental Biology textbook. During his postdoc at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (New York, USA) with Dr Alex Joyner (2012-2018), he pioneered mouse genetic models of unilateral perturbations of limb growth to study the repair of developmental defects, finding that cell-non autonomous responses play a key role in this repair. In June 2018 he joined the Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute (Monash University, Melbourne) as a Group Leader, where his lab studied the organ-repair responses activated by developmental perturbations, with a focus on the long bones of the limbs. In June 2023 he expanded the lab across the world, when he joined the University of Cambridge as Associate Professor in Developmental Genetics, with a joint appointment between the Dept. of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, and the Dept. of Genetics. A new line of work at Cambridge will use inter-species chimeras to study if/how the patterning, tempo and size of the limb are affected by the embryonic environment of a different species



Xinli (Cindy) Qu
Lab manager since 2018

Cindy has been at Monash since February 2007 and joined the Roselló-Díez group in May 2018 looking for new challenges. She has an engineering degree, laboratory medicine degree and a Masters in accounting degree. After three different pathways, she has found that she enjoys medical research the most. In the lab, besides keeping the lab running, she drives her own project related to the role of certain stem cell lineages in bone growth and repair. Check out her publications with us.


Outside the lab, she likes travelling, shopping around and eating delicious food😊😊

Xinli Qu.jpg
Chee Ho Hng, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow since 2020

Chee is originally from Malaysia. He performed his PhD in the laboratory of Stan Gronthos (University of South Australia) studying mechanisms of mesenchymal stem cell differentiation. He joined our lab in March 2020, right before the COVID lockdown. Despite this challenging start, he pushed through and is leading the project characterising the molecular and cellular mechanisms of catch-up growth. Check out his publications with us, and the recent preprint


Chee is CIB in our Ideas grant APP2002084. A great boost for his independent career!

Ehsan Razmara, MSc
PhD student since 2021

Ehsan is from Iran, and he obtained a PhD scholarship to join our lab just before COVID, so he had to wait for a long time to join us. He is interested in skeletal stem cells, their lineage and regulation, and their potential applications in Regenerative Medicine.


We sometimes call him Bowling King. The first time he played, he destroyed us!

John W. Mains-Sheard, MSc
PhD student since 2023

John is a true citizen of the world, as has travelled even more than Alberto. We joined Monash in Feb. 2023, and is working on the inter-species chimeras project. Stay tuned!

Kailash Vinu, BSc
Honours student 2023

After getting a taste of the AROS lab experience as an undergrad, Kai returned as an Honours student in 2023. He is working with Cindy, characterising the long-term chondrogenic and clonogenic potential of multiple mesenchymal cell populations.



Emma Steijvers, MSc
Research Assistant and MPhil student

(Description coming soon)
Isha Goel, PhD
HFSP-funded postdoc fellow

(Description coming soon)


Santiago Beltrán Díaz
UROP scholar (2018-2019) and Research Assistant 2020-2021

Current position: Co-Founder at TuCann Medical | Systems Engineer at Planet Innovation

Verónica Uribe, PhD
Research Fellow 2018-2019

Current position: Research Fellow in Kelly Smith's lab, University of Melbourne.

Brett J. Kagan, PhD
Research Fellow 2019-2020

Current position: Chief Scientific Officer at Cortical Labs. Do neurons in a dish dream of playing Pong?

Hojin (Jinny) Chang
Honours student 2020-2021

Current position: Microscopist at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Melbourne

Nandita Suresh
Master student 2020-2021
Elizabeth Marquez Garcia
Master student 2020-2021
Yutong (Raina) Chen
Master student 2021
Sarah Yang, dual BioMed/Eng
UROP scholar 2021-2022
Zhitong Chen
Master student 2021-2022
Sibo (Nelson) Yu
Master student 2021-2022
Shani Amarasinghe, PhD
Boya (Hannah) Zhang, BioMed student
UROP scholar 2022-2023
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